While the discussion about Masaru was onging, Chisato was trying to sneak around to gather Satoru's palm print but to no avail. However due to incident, Chisato shared with the rest of the siblings that Masaru had actually thought of using the money to pay for some expensive treatment to cure his fear for woman! However upon negative identification by the victim, Masaru's guilt was cleared. Apparently there had been some robbery and so happened that Masaru was carrying the exact amount, hence the apprehension.

the staff apologise for the misunderstanding and Masaru's innocence. The story starts with Chisato receiving a call from the police station regarding Masaru's arrrest! When she arrived at the station and replied awkwardly she was the mum, the police at the counter looked at her appreciating while she squirm at the attention.

Basically this episode focus on Satoru's relunctance to step out to the real world and Masaru's origin of the fear for woman.